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What Do You Bench?

Joe Lawrence September 4th, 2024 | Strength Training, Upper Body

Go to any gym in the world and it is a given that there will be somebody on the flat bench trying to see what his one rep max is on bench. For some odd reason, this is the one statistic that you will be asked if you tell someone you

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Take a Squat For a Firm Butt

Joe Lawrence August 28th, 2024 | Lower Body, Strength Training

Many of us have a desk job where we sit all or most of the day. Sadly, this builds up the stress in our bodies as we instinctively want to be out and about. Another problem is that while our bodies are completely engulfed by the chair, we are not doing our muscles any favors. Today's workout will help with

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Get a Mountain Climber Butt!

Joe Lawrence August 21st, 2024 | Lower Body, Strength Training

Working out your gluteous maximus does not have to be a chore or even a boring task. In fact, it could be as fun as climbing a mountain.

Going back to my martial arts days, it brings back memories of my instructor telling us something similar. We did many exercises and drills to strengthen our legs and core. Especially the muscles in the butt area because the hips generate so much power and the beefy muscle masses of the upper leg and butt

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15 Minute Butt Workout

Joe Lawrence August 14th, 2024 | 15 Minutes or Less, Lower Body, Strength Training

Bellies and butts are two areas that are very easy to grow but very difficult to get back into shape. That is because they are the center of gravity for the human, body and all things seem to want to stay there for awhile. Today we are going to focus on the butt. There is hope, and in a 15 minute workout, you can start to take control back. I am pretty certain Sir Mix a Lot will not be thrilled, but he will just have to deal with it.

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3 Exercises to Shape Your Butt

Joe Lawrence August 7th, 2024 | Lower Body, Strength Training

The top reasons people list for starting a diet or workout is to lose fat, and most of these people go on to say they want to lose the fat in their stomach and butt. I am sure this is not news. Most exercises, though, are focused on the stomach, arms, and chest. Little attention is given to the gluteus maximus. That ends today.

With only three exercises, you can tone your butt and build leg strength. They do require weights for the full benefits. The exercises

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Kayak for Cardio

Joe Lawrence July 31st, 2024 | Cardio, Outdoor

Recently, I wrote an article about getting in some cardio while on vacation. It was targeted at the triathlon exercises of biking, running, and swimming. I know these are not everyone's cup of tea for various reasons. However, there is another avenue to explore that I have been able to discover at most vacation locations.

It would appear us humans have a natural affinity to live and build cities close to water. Whether it is a river, lake, or ocean, water is usually

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Family Fitness While on Vacation

Joe Lawrence July 24th, 2024 | Lower Body, Strength Training

Vacations are a necessity! Without a break from the norm, we would all go crazy with the stresses we face on a daily basis. However, most of us fall out of our fitness routines while we are on vacation, and

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16 Minute Vacation Workout: Tabata

Joe Lawrence July 17th, 2024 | 15 Minutes or Less, Strength Training

Ah, the crashing waves, the sun rising over the mountains, the sights of the rising skyscrapers, or whatever beauties your vacation offers you! Being on vacation is often very relaxing, especially those first few moments after rising from bed. However, it is easy to fall out of your workout routine. There is a way to get in an incredible workout in less than 20 minutes. It is called Tabata.

Great! Another workout trend! Actually, this one is not likely to hit the mainstream

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Vacation Fitness Exploration

by Joe Lawrence July 10th, 2024 Strength Training

The last thing we want to do while on vacation is to get lazy with our fitness. Sure, we can slack off a bit and allow our body to get some rest as we relax the mind, too. However, a down week should be used to switch to a different gear, not to turn off the engine all together.

For many it is more stressful to find a gym with the same types of weight machines or whatever that you are used to

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Simple Vacation Exercise Ideas

Joe Lawrence July 3rd, 2024 | 15 Minutes or Less, Strength Training

Welcome to the summer! This is the time of the year where the kids are out of school, and we are excited to take the family vacations. However, I always fear getting out of my exercise rhythm while relaxing on the beach or chasing my kid who just saw Mickey Mouse. There are some very easy ways to exercise while away from your usual stomping ground.

The easy method and boring one is to simply go to the hotel fitness center. Very few

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Lower Noise to Reduce Your High Stress Levels

Marnie Bii June 26th, 2024 | Mind & Body, Stress

You likely already know that you should limit exposure to loud sounds to protect your hearing. However, did you know that constant noise at acceptable levels can also harm your health? Although the noises do not have an effect on your hearing ability, the sustained sounds can activate your stress hormones.

The constant background noises you hear every day may not actively register, but your psyche is taking note. As your mind processes the sounds, your sensory system automatically kicks into action. If

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Watch for Heatstroke While Exercising Outdoors

Marnie Bii June 19th, 2024 | Mind & Body

With hundreds of deaths per year attributed to heatstroke, the warning bears repeating. Memorize common symptoms of heatstroke and act fast to treat yourself if you are feeling unwell. If left untreated, heat stroke can land you in the hospital or worse. Although some groups, like the elderly and young children, are more susceptible to the risk of developing a heat

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Dead Lifting… Who Knew

Joe Lawrence June 12th, 2024 | Strength Training, Upper Body

About five years ago I discovered the best exercise ever. I had always heard about it, but never tried it. I am not sure if it was fear, intimidation, or whatever; however, I just never attempted it. Now, it is

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4 Exercises for an Awesome Back Workout

Marnie Bii June 5th, 2024 | Assorted Workouts, Cardio

Your back muscles need to grow stronger in line with your arm, leg and abdominal strength increases to prevent imbalances. Weak back muscles can decrease your potential for gains in other areas and possibly increase the risk of injury. Luckily, you can target your back muscles directly and get your heart pumping at a healthy rate with a few easy moves. Here are four exercises to combine to create a safe and successful back workout routine.

Chin Ups

As you slowly pull

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Give Your Arms a 21 Gun Salute

Joe Lawrence May 29th, 2024 | Strength Training, Upper Body

I have said this many, many times in the past - I love working arms. For me there are not many other muscle groups that you can isolate as easily as arms. When you walk away from an arm workout, you know you hit your targeted muscles.

Really there are three major muscles to work with your arms: forearms, biceps, and triceps. All of which can be isolated very easily. There is a strategy I am going to share

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3 Gym Accessories for Improved Workout Results

Marnie Bii May 22nd, 2024 | Accessories, Gym Bag

When you head into the gym, you have to make the equipment there work for you. Luckily, you can use a few key tools to increase the challenge of your workout without permanently altering the gym equipment. Using tools that increase grip or resistance allows you to maximize your effort to start seeing even better gains with every session. Here are three tools you need to pack in your bag to make the most of

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Goals for Staying Inspired

Kimberly Hays May 15th, 2024 | Mind & Body

You hit them gym, go to yoga class, or run three to four days a week, but why? To stay motivated, you need to not only go through the motions, but think about why you work out. Do you want more energy, to lose weight, to improve your health, or just want to look better? Figuring out your reasons will help you to stay inspired and reach

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3 Types of Face Masks That Can Relieve Stress

Marnie Bii May 8th, 2024 | Mind & Body, Stress

After a long, stressful day, you might just want to sink into a hot bath to relax and put the stress behind you. If you do not have time for a luxurious bath, you can mimic the stress-relieving effects of that rest time using a face mask. The cool, refreshing touch of the mask always seems to melt tension away

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Sculpted Arms by Midsummer

Joe Lawrence May 1st, 2024 | Strength Training, Upper Body

Arms and abs are two areas most men want to strengthen. With summer fast approaching, there is still some time left to look great at the beach or pool. Not much time, though.

There are really only two basic motions you can do to build your arms: bicep curl and tricep extension. Naturally, there are hundreds of variations of these motions that you can choose from.

To tone my biceps, I like to curl dumbbells. Choose a weight you can

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Stop and Smell the Flowers for Improved Mood

Marnie Bii April 24th, 2024 | Mind & Body, Seasonal

As April showers work on nourishing the May flowers, you can gear yourself up for a mood boost from these amazing blooms. Flowers have bright, vibrant colors that catch the eye and encourage positive imagery. Upon coming in close, the heavy scents may improve your mood, inspire creativity and lower

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All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.