Best Dental Equipment for Working Out
by Editorial Team November 23rd, 2016| Cardio
For someone who loves to work out, it is a pretty good idea to consider what you are going to be working out in. From shoes to shorts to top, you want to make sure your get up assists your work out, not holds you back. But when you are

Wittle Down Your Waist Not Your Wallet
by Editorial Team November 23rd, 2016| Accessories
It’s that time of year when you start wondering out loud what to do about all the gifts you must buy for the holidays. If you’ve been working out in preparation for the onslaught of office parties, religious activities, community functions and cultural events, you are not alone. These things

6 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently and Keep It Off
by Editorial Team November 15th, 2016| Cardio
Weight loss is not a destination, but a journey. Losing weight is easier than maintaining a particular weight, mostly because the initial tenacity dissipates. Here are a few steps that will make sure your digital scales don't ever disappoint your weight loss goals.
- There is no alternative to exercise

Bemer Light Therapy
by Editorial Team October 31st, 2016| Cardio
Bemer devices are the result of countless hours of research and testing, in the field of physical vascular therapy. Bemer devices work with the help of electromagnetically transferred stimulation signals that facilitate the movement of blood through blood vessels. This movement is critical for life and for health.
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5 Amazing Foods That Needs to Be On Your Daily Diet
by Editorial Team June 15th, 2016| Healthy Eating
Keeping yourself fit and fine is a tough task to do. Our lifestyle seems more suited for unhealthy, oily food which is consumed fast, making us more vulnerable to diseases. Unless you want to end up paying our hard earned money to hospitals, throughout your lives, it's time to change

10 Tips on How to Keep Yourself Motivated to Stay Healthy
by Editorial Team June 2nd, 2016| Exercises
Have you ever begun a fitness routine but then abandoned the program? If your answer is yes, do not throw in the towel just yet because you’re not alone. The majority of people who begin fitness routines, tend to discontinue them as results come very slowly and their motivation wanes.