
Archives for Healthy Eating

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Carb Cycling for Weight Loss and Muscle Gains

by Marnie Bii March 19th, 2025| Diet Plans, Healthy Eating

Typically, strict low carb diets work for the majority of people who try them. Weight loss or muscle gain plateaus may require the reintroduction of carbohydrates into the diet. Instead of simply reverting to a carb heavy diet, you can


Do You Really Need More Protein?

by Bea October 30th, 2024| Diet Strategy, Workout Fuel

Some people say that athletes need more protein. Okay, so that is true, but it is a little misleading. Athletes need more protein, but just as much as they need more carbohydrates and fat. This is because more calories are

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The Spark Solutions Diet

by Kimberly Hays March 6th, 2024| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy

The weight loss website, SparkPeople.com, has developed a diet called the Spark Solutions diet. The diet is formulated to fast track you into a regimen of healthy eating and regular exercise over a two week period.

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Kid-Friendly Superfoods

by Kimberly Hays February 21st, 2024| Diet Strategy, Superfoods

Sometimes it is difficult to get children to eat some superfoods like broccoli and greens, but, of course, you want them to have foods high in antioxidants and other nutrients for optimum health. There are some superfoods, however, that you

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All About Oats

by Bea February 14th, 2024| Diet Strategy, Workout Fuel

It is no secret that oatmeal is a great whole food choice for pre and post workouts. As a post-workout choice, oatmeal is great because it has a good carb to protein ratio. This will help with repairing your muscles

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The Mindful Diet: Lose Weight Using Your Mind

by Kimberly Hays February 7th, 2024| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy

Our relationship with food is a very personal one. We equate food with memories and good times with our family and friends. We in no way want to give up that, but we can change how we think about food.

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Healthy Snacks for Your Next Flight

by R. Carnavale January 31st, 2024| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks

Why spend two to three times what you'd normally pay for a snack when you fly? With airlines raking in money on their onboard menu offerings, passengers oftentimes finding themselves paying outrageous prices for everyday foods, such as $5.00 for


Matcha: The Unfamiliar Superfood

by Kimberly Hays January 24th, 2024| Diet Strategy, Superfoods

We are constantly discovering new superfoods that we can add to our diets. Although matcha may be something you have not heard of before, it has been around for over 800 years. It was used in ancient China

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Keep Popping!

by Bea January 10th, 2024| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks

If you are looking for a healthy snack, look no further than popcorn! Well, okay, there are some guidelines that you should look into before just grabbing any bag of popcorn and assuming that is a healthy snack. Popcorn that

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Nuts About Nuts

by Bea January 3rd, 2024| Diet Strategy, Workout Fuel

As a vegetarian, I have to be a little more conscious the foods that I am eating. In order to have a successful workout that yields a healthier and stronger body, I have to eat the right type of foods.


New Year, New You: Healthy Snack Recipes

by R. Carnavale December 20th, 2023| Diet Strategy, Healthy Snacks

The new year's just around the corner, so why not consider revamping your snack choices? India's Ayurvedic herbal medicine uses several types of herbs and fruits that allegedly slow down the aging process and make the


The Powerful Pomegranate

by Kimberly Hays December 13th, 2023| Diet Strategy, Superfoods

The pomegranate season runs from September through February, so this is the perfect time to advantage of this wonderful superfood that can be found in most grocery stores this time of year. Many have believed for centuries that this fruit

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.