
Archives for workout

Lower Body Pool Workout

by Jessica B. June 28th, 2012| Exercises, Lower Body, Strength Training
It is summer season, and if you don’t like sweating it out in the gym, it is probably getting a bit hot for you to keep up your outdoor workout. If you have access to a pool, there is no reason why you can’t keep your workout up even

Upper Body Stretches

by Jessica B. May 8th, 2012| Strength Training, Upper Body
An important part of any workout routine is a good stretch afterwards. Many studies show that stretching after a workout accelerates muscle growth, and it also increases the rate of recovery. Not to mention, a good stretch just feels great. Here are a few straightforward stretches you should be

Don’t Fear High Intensity

by Angela Yorke April 16th, 2012| Strength Training
Building strength the “traditional” way may prove to be a bane for those with an impatient streak. Happily, high-intensity strength training offers an alternative to the tedious repetition that can feature in strength-building workouts. It’s also something to try if you feel that you’ve hit a wall and can’t

Upper Body Workout: Home Style

by Jessica B. April 12th, 2012| Strength Training, Upper Body
If you are starting to lose your momentum for your workouts now that New Year's Eve is a few months in the past, here are a few upper body exercises you can do while watching TV. No more excuses. These upper body exercises will give you increased strength. While

Sand Walking

by Bea March 27th, 2012| Walking
This past week I had the amazing opportunity to visit the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve in Colorado. These dunes are the highest dunes in North America. Our first intention was to check out the dunes from afar-- after all, we still had at least 3 hours of

Running on the Beach

by Angela Yorke March 1st, 2012| Running
On the off chance you’ve run out of things to do on your beach holiday, or, more realistically, believe you’ve been eating too much, try going for a run on the beach first thing in the morning. Aside from the opportunity to enjoy a sunrise in relative solitude, it’s

Mixing it up at the Gym

by Jessica B. February 14th, 2012| Cardio
One of the biggest challenges I have in the winter, when I bring my cardio workout indoors, is keeping things interesting. All too often I end up staring at the TV, watching some bad talk show, tired and unmotivated. My runs don’t improve much time wise and even worse,

Upper Body Work Out: Stability Ball

by Jessica B. February 13th, 2012| Exercises
It’s time to dig out your stability ball from the back of the closet, give it a few extra puffs of air, and take it out for a test drive. Here are examples of a few simple exercises you can do with a stability ball to help you build

Working Out as a Couple

by Angela Yorke January 12th, 2012| Exercises
It’s always nice to belong to something, and a relationship is one such partnership in which most people are happy to be a part. Ironically, unless you’re married or living together, spending time with that special someone can be difficult. This is because, as it is for other people

Ballet to Build Lower Body Strength

by Jessica B. December 15th, 2011| Lower Body, Strength Training
As a runner, strong calves and a strong lower body are a necessity. You might think that running alone is enough to build a strong lower body, but there are plenty of simple, at home exercises you can do which will increase your strength and stamina while out on

Cardio Exercise with Elliptical Machines

by Heather Duchan September 1st, 2011| Cardio
Elliptical machines are a favorite tool for exercise beginners. They offer a low-impact workout that's easy on the joints, but still provides the same cardio benefits over more intense workouts like running. Another benefit is that these machines have a low "perceived rate of exertion," meaning that you don't feel

5 Great Reasons to Do Push-ups

by Louise June 20th, 2011| Strength Training
How to perform a proper push-up: Lie chest-down, with hands shoulder-level, slightly more than shoulder-width apart, palms flat. Feet should be together. Start the motion by straightening your arms, which pushes your body off the floor. Then, lower your body. Look forward, not down; if any part of your

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.