
Archives for snowshoe


Snowshoeing vs Walking

by Bea March 25th, 2013| Cardio, Walking
Will the snow ever stop? Maybe not. Well, if it does not, you could switch over your walking workout to a snowshoe powerwalk. Snowshoeing can have major benefits when it comes to going for a walk outside.

A study done by the University of Vermont actually showed that showshoeing about

Exercising in the Cold

by Angela Yorke December 12th, 2011| Exercises
Yes, it’s hard to head out when it’s still dark out, and there’s a cup of hot chocolate calling your name. Most of the time, the cold gets the best of your best intentions, but it’s still entirely possible to keep up an exercise routine and not have to

Core Strength Training in the Snow

by Mackenzie M. December 6th, 2011| Core, Strength Training
This winter, rather than doing your typical strength training exercises to sculpt your core, head outside into the drifts of frigid snow for an even better workout. The standard activities you do in the snow, from clearing it, to cross-country skiing, to snowshoeing can also double as the perfect

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.