Last month, Melissa outlined the first five commandments to follow to achieve health and vitality. Read on to learn the rest of her top ten list!
6.   Thou Shalt Drink 50% of Thy Body Weight in Ounces Daily.
Our bodies are designed to use water - not soda, energy
Fueling Your Ferrari
by Sarah Harris March 21st, 2012| Nutrition
Transforming 3 Energy Wasters into High Grade Fuel!
Wouldn't you like to consider your body to be like a Ferrari?  If that’s the case, here are 3 high-grade fueling tips to keep your machine running in top-notch condition.
1) Caffeine:
If you suffer from sleepless nights, fatigue, pain, or dysfunction, caffeine may
Wouldn't you like to consider your body to be like a Ferrari?  If that’s the case, here are 3 high-grade fueling tips to keep your machine running in top-notch condition.
1) Caffeine:
If you suffer from sleepless nights, fatigue, pain, or dysfunction, caffeine may
Sleeping is Not the Enemy
by Joan Jacobsen January 25th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Being dubbed the Senior Fitness Specialist here at My Fitness Tunes hopefully does not conjure up visions of your former school gym teacher who happened to be matronly and a stern representative of how physical fitness should be cultivated in your impressionable minds. On the contrary, the definition of
Recovery After Strength Training
by Angela Yorke November 4th, 2011| Strength Training
The same commitment you bring to strength training sessions should also be carried into the recovery period that follows. Most of the time, people forget that physical exertion causes “injury†to muscles. Accordingly, muscles that have healed adequately from injury are stronger and last longer, i.e., you gain strength
Ways to Sabotage a Fitness Routine
by Angela Yorke September 19th, 2011| Exercises
Misguided targets are a reason fitness routines can become derailed. Initially, a person might start exercising because he or she wants to lose weight. Unfortunately, weight loss, rather than fat loss and strength building, eventually becomes the only goal, and it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve over time. This
A Few Minutes A Day
by LJ Dovichi April 5th, 2008| Exercises
To stay in shape, you spend 45 - 60 minutes working out 3 to 5 times a week. To stay healthy, you eat the proper amounts from all the major food groups -- avoiding too much sugar and fat. Even with all this dedication, did you know you are still