
Archives for flight

In Flight Yoga

by Denise Druce November 9th, 2011| Fitness Expert
As I sit on a plane, headed for someplace sunny and warm, I think what an uncomfortable and unhealthy experience I, and my fellow travelers, are having. So, I decide to do something about it. In flight yoga - no mat required. Here are ten easy exercises you can

Strength Training on the Plane

by Mackenzie M. October 10th, 2011| Strength Training
Many of you, including myself, have at one point or another been subject to a long-haul plane flight. If you travel the world, flights can range from 6, 8, 10, to even 15 or 16 hours long.

Sitting in a seat for that long, without moving your muscles, can actually

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.