
Archives for Exercises


Shadow Box as an Alternative to Running

by Joe Lawrence October 2nd, 2013| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
Running is an awesome cardio workout, but let's face it...it is gets old day in and day out. There are many alternatives to get the heart pumping; however, doing a little shadow boxing is pretty fun. Besides, I do not like the way my shadow

Routine for Those with No Time

by Joe Lawrence September 30th, 2013| 15 Minutes or Less, Exercises, Strength Training
Family, work, and life obligations often leave us with no time to hit the gym. There are days and even seasons where we don't even have the chance to go for a quick run. After my new baby, I was stuck in this situation and

Tabata Workouts

by Jessica B. September 26th, 2013| Cardio, Indoor
Are you interested in some basic home workouts that are great for cardio, but do not need any equipment, then you might want to give a Tabata workout a try. A Tabata workout is a great way to build up cardio, you do an exercise

Upper Body Exercise Routine with Dumbbells

by Jessica B. September 23rd, 2013| Strength Training, Upper Body
Here are a few simple exercises you can do with dumbbells at home that can help build upper body strength. Make sure you have a variety of weights, from 5-20 lbs., so that you can vary your training and focus on different areas. This is

Core Strength Training with the Bridge

by Kimberly Hays September 12th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
The muscles of the core stabilize the spine and hips giving better balance and strength to the rest of the body, as well as reducing the risk of injury and enhances athletic performance. Core strength training will also strengthen the back muscles to alleviate back

Working Your Core Without Crunches

by Kimberly Hays September 2nd, 2013| 15 Minutes or Less, Strength Training
When strength training, we concentrate a lot on our core to get those most coveted six-pack abs. Crunches are not anyone’s favorite exercise, but because they work, we do them. Luckily there are strength training exercises that we can replace those boring crunches with, and they are quick and
pilates stretch

2 Cardio Exercises to Jumpstart the New Year

by Marnie Bii January 4th, 2013| Assorted Workouts, Cardio

Whether you want to lose weight, gain stamina or improve your health, updating your cardio routine for the new year can help you meet your goals. Switching up your cardio exercises strengthens new muscle groups while keeping you from growing

A Leaner, More Limber You

by Melissa Koerner November 21st, 2012| Fitness Expert
There’s a big misconception that stretching is only for people who workout or people who are athletes.  And many people who do workout, don’t see the benefits of stretching.

If you think that stretching is a waste of your time, I encourage you to keep reading, because EVERONE benefits from

Have a Ball

by Denise Druce November 14th, 2012| Fitness Expert
One of my favorite tools for strengthening the core is the stability ball.  But I find that a lot of people are not quite sure what to do on them, other than use them for an office chair, which is not a bad idea.  Here are seven tried-and-true exercises

Yoga Ball for Strength

by Jessica B. October 19th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
Recently I switched out my office chair for a yoga ball. My colleagues thought I was insane, as it does not look very comfortable to spend most of your day sitting on a giant yoga ball. But in truth, a yoga ball is a great way to build core

Alternative Exercises for Women

by Jessica B. September 28th, 2012| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
There are a few machines at the gym that can help you work on both toning your upper body and building your stamina. Men, at least at my gym, constantly occupy many of these machines. Women seem to be afraid that if they work out their upper body too

Jumping on a Trampoline = Cardio!

by Jessica B. September 25th, 2012| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
This summer we spent a lot of time staying with relatives at their house. They have five kids and need a lot of activities to keep everyone active and moving. This summer the family invested in a large trampoline, and the kids were out there all the time, hopping

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.