Weird Core Strength Training
by Mackenzie M. May 22nd, 2012| Mind & Body
There are hundreds of standard ways to do core strength training that are both simple and effective; however, I recently discovered an entire subset of very strange weightlifting techniques that are great for building a lean and muscular core. With these exercises you will surely burn fat, build muscle,

Introduction to Kettlebells
by Angela Yorke May 17th, 2012| Strength Training
Much like how the Hunger Games and Avengers movies have contributed to the current popularity of archery, interest in kettlebells grew when the movie 300 was released in 2006; interest has been renewed as people search out strength training methods that differ from the norm. A simple search

Comparing Necessity and Want
by Angela Yorke April 30th, 2012| Exercises
The wealth of information currently available on virtually any topic has enabled consumers to make better-informed decisions when it comes to new purchases. Chief among these items is sports equipment, as awareness of the need to be fit has increased in tandem with the rising prevalence of lifestyle diseases

Walk a Mile in Your Own Shoes
by Joan Jacobsen April 25th, 2012| Fitness Expert
I never realized or imagined that a pair of good athletic shoes would make a stunning difference with performance, comfort, and even confidence. I also never imagined that the most difficult part of making that ultimate choice would become a very tedious effort. Unfortunately, there are so many options