Are you interested in some basic home workouts that are great for cardio, but do not need any equipment, then you might want to give a Tabata workout a try. A Tabata workout is a great way to build up cardio, you do an exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10, and then do it again, for between 10 – 20 times. It may sound easy, but it is a great way to burn fat. And the best thing is that you can do pretty much any exercise for 20 seconds and then you can rest.
Here are some examples of exercises you can include in a Tabata workout, and you can experiment with your own exercises.
1) Squat jumps – These are a great exercise to include in your Tabata workout – Lower yourself into a full squat, and then push yourself up and leap into the air. If your knees are bad, you can skip the jump and then lift yourself up on their toes.
2) Lunge switches – Lower into a lunge on your left leg, then switch by jumping through to a lunge on your other leg. Remember to push down during each lunge before jumping back.
3) Run in place – This is a great little exercise to do in between some of your other moves and a great way to get your pulse up. Run for 20 seconds, and then take a short break, then do some lunges, and then cycle back through again.
4) Jump rope – This is another way you can get your pulse up, jump rope as fast as you can. If you don’t have a jump rope, then just jump up and down as many times as you can for one period.
5) Side jumps – You can jump from side to side, putting your legs to the side, and then join them together, then repeat to the other side. You can repeat this on both sides until your time is up.
6) Jumping jacks – You can do plain jumping jacks, or you can do a variety of jumping jacks to keep things interesting.
7) Floor climbs – Get down on your feet and hands and put one foot between your hands, now jump and switch legs. Stay on the ground, and repeat.
The best thing about Tabata workouts is that you can get variety, and you don’t need a lot of time. If you are looking for Tabata inspiration, check out some YouTube videos, a Tabata app, or talk to a personal trainer at the gym.