Given the quarantine measures implemented in various places, getting out of the house is impossible. Even if you do, you can’t go anywhere. Almost all non-essential business isn’t operating. You have no choice but to stay at home and make the most of your time. The problem is that you fear not staying fit anymore. You can’t go to the gym, and you eat more than you should since you’re always at home.
The good thing is that you can easily find fitness gurus. They will help you look fit and offer tips to exercise without leaving your house. There are hundreds of them online who can give free fitness advice. Not all of them are worth following, though. These are the qualities to look for in an online fitness guru.
Suitable for your preference
You can lose weight using different strategies. You don’t need to lift heavy weights if you’re uncomfortable with it. You might not also aim to have a bulky body, and it’s not the right option for you. Identify the exercise techniques you feel comfortable doing, and find a fitness guru who can give more tips that you can follow.
Engaging and entertaining
Forcing yourself to get up, and exercise can be challenging. If you face a choice between exercising and watching shows on Netflix, you will choose the latter. Therefore, it helps if you can find an online guru who seems engaging and entertaining. It’s like you’re in an actual gym where a fitness trainer is there to force you to stretch your limits.
Easy to follow
You can find fitness gurus offering different levels of advice. Some of them are perfect for beginners, while others are for advanced learners. Choose someone who has a wide range of advice. You can move up to the next step whenever you want. You don’t feel stuck doing the easy techniques, but you also don’t force yourself to go beyond your limit.
Excellent at explaining
It also helps if you understand why you’re doing the techniques shown in the video. Find a fitness guru who will tell you the importance of every move. If there’s a scientific explanation, it’s even better. You will see the need to follow the tips, and you don’t feel like you’re wasting time. It also shows that the guru researches every aspect of the fitness tip before publishing the video.
Available for consultation
You might have a few questions about the exercises. It helps if you can find someone who will respond to your questions. Some of these fitness gurus are only after the views and likes. They don’t care if the viewers achieve their goals. You want someone who cares about you.
You can follow the fitness expert who has all these qualities and set a time to do the exercises. Use your smartphone or TV at home if you want to get started. Don’t forget to buy EMF protection if you’re going to use your phone. It helps protect your eyes from harmful radiation. You might stare at your phone for hours while exercising, and the protective device helps.
With consistency in doing the fitness tips, you will achieve your goals soon.
Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/qa1wvrlWCio