
Personal Training: Upper Body

by Jessica B. | October 23rd, 2012 | Strength Training, Upper Body

When I hit a workout funk, I team up with a personal trainer to try to revamp my routine and to help me to keep meeting my goals. You do not need to have a lot of money to work with a personal trainer. You do not need to book a workout weekly or even monthly. Try to consult with a trainer once every few months when you feel your workout is getting a little tired. Here are some trainer tips.

1) Use your trainer to design a gym workout – You can ask your trainer to put together a workout that emphasizes your goals at the gym. They can show you the weight machines that will help train your arms and shoulders, as well as your chest and back. They can help you improve your form using free weights and make sure you are optimizing your workout. Don’t walk through your old workout with your trainer; focus on something new and different. You will see better results and feel better.

2) Design a workout you can do at home – Ask your trainer to help you come up with a series of exercises you can do at home. If you are tired of exercise videos, ask your trainer to design a workout that you do not need major equipment for. Your trainer can show you how to use a yoga ball, exercise bands, or just your kitchen chair to build upper body strength.

3) Head outdoors – If you live in a warm climate, get some vitamin D while you are working out. Ask your trainer to move outdoors and show you how you can create a workout program using your natural surroundings, including park benches, rocks, play parks, and bike trails. This can be a great way to invigorate your workout.

Remember that a personal trainer works for you. A good trainer will help you develop a workout that gives you what you are looking for, be it muscle tone or bulk. You need to be clear about what you are looking for. If you do not want a trainer who yells reps at you, say so. Many gyms have a variety of personal trainers on staff. If your first trainer is not a good fit, feel free to switch. If you have a class instructor you like, ask if they are available as a trainer.

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All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.