Free Apps for a Great Leg Workout

by Kimberly Hays | August 5th, 2014 | Accessories, Technology

apps (400x400)Technology has come a long way in recent years, which makes it easier to get a good workout using apps that will also help you to change up your workout routine to overcome boredom. The only problem is that you could end up spending a fortune to try apps and then find that they don’t have a lot to offer. The following apps are great, and though they may target different areas of the body, these are all great for leg workouts. Leg workouts can become so dull, so read on to find some new free apps to switch things up a little. All of these apps are available on by entering the app name in the search engine.

Nike Training Club – This app was designed a core workout app, but it is also great for leg workouts. Tennis star Serena Williams loves it for her leg workouts. It offers over 100 workouts with a personal trainer anytime you are ready.

XFit Legs: Daily Workout for Tight Sculpted Thighs, Calves – This is just what it says. It’s a really tough, yet fun variety of workouts, to tone and sculpt your thighs and calves. It will even send you reminders on your phone so you don’t forget to schedule time in your day to work your legs.

Squats Coach – We all know that squats are the way to get a firm butt, strong legs, and to build strength in your core. The exercises are easy to do, and you will be able to work out your legs quickly and get on with your day.

Easy Legs – This workout is great for those who are just starting a workout routine, or someone who needs to work out a little harder to get their legs toned. These moves are easy to do, and they are geared toward your fitness level. You are also finished in five quick minutes!

Leg Exercises – Personal Trainer for Leg Workouts – This app offers a variety of great leg exercises that will keep you from becoming bored with leg workouts. It states that it is free for a limited time, so be sure to grab it fast!




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