
Fighting Pre-teen and Teen Fatigue

by TJ Davis | May 4th, 2010 | Family Fitness

There are several medical reasons a teenager may become unusually fatigued, mononucleosis and anemia being among them, so if you are a teen facing sudden and excessive fatigue, you should tell your parents and consult a physician right
away. However, if the tiredness you feel comes on gradually you simply may be responding to the new stresses of your teenage lifestyle.

Younger children often seem to have perpetual reserves of boundless energy, running here and there, talking until you are sure their lungs will deflate… So what makes that diminish when your age hits double-digits? Many factors can contribute to fatigue, and for older children stress is a major factor.

As you advance in school, you are assigned greater amounts of scholastic responsibility – more homework in more subjects with increasing levels of difficulty, standardized testing, earlier start times – and all of these add to the mounting physical and psychological pressures of simply becoming a teenager.

It may sound contradictory, but one way to fight fatigue is to stay active. Try walking to school, if you can. Or jog around the block before catching the bus. Maybe plan a quick game of one-on-one hoops with a friend before school. A little physical exercise in the morning actually can boost energy levels and keep them on an even keel throughout the day.

Balanced nutrition is essential to improve overall health and fitness. If you give a machine the wrong fuel, or not enough fuel, it will run poorly. The same idea applies to your body. Don’t skip breakfast. For students, it is the most vital meal of the day. Eating right will keep your teen machine in tip-top shape.

The single most important weapon needed to combat pre-teen and teen stress is breath. Just breathe. It sounds simple, and it is. Go somewhere quiet, close your eyes and draw a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do that several times until your body relaxes. Practice relaxation breathing before homework, before a test, and even before you sleep.

Comments on Fighting Pre-teen and Teen Fatigue

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.