
Archives for Strength Training

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August’s Fitness Focus- Butt

by Editorial Team August 1st, 2014| Strength Training
August has begun, and it's time to delve into a new area of fitness.  Throughout the month, we will review different ways to improve your workout with a focus on the glutes.  Covering both strength training and cardio options, we will suggest different exercises and programs that can get
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Work Your Back while Breaking on Your Job

by Joe Lawrence June 30th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
It would be great if we could work out on the job. To be able to combine fitness with our daily duties would be a great way to multi-task. Well, we can.

Honestly, exercise is the last thing I want to think about today. I just finished shoveling and spreading

Rope Climbing for Back Day

by Joe Lawrence June 23rd, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
Working out does not have to be a chore. In fact, it never has to be if you let your creativity take over. My favorite thing to do is to think of different ways to work a body part without creating a "routine." Routine is great for ease of
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True Strength Comes From Stretching

by Joe Lawrence June 16th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
We are all very busy these days. We have work obligations, family obligations, and so much more that we hardly find the time to even work out. When we do muster up the time and energy to exercise, the last thing we want to do is to waste any
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Band Exercises for a Complete Back Workout

by Joe Lawrence June 9th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
There are many things I have discovered in my many years of working out. One is that people tend to work the beach muscles more than the others. Another key thing is that if they worked on the "other" muscles more, their beach muscles would improve much more quickly
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Tension Band Arm Exercises

by Joe Lawrence May 26th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
In my last few articles I have veered away from a principle I hold dear - anywhere workouts. I am constantly reading and searching for new ways to work out from home or at the office. This is not often easy when weights or running courses are involved. However,
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Get a Grip

by Joe Lawrence May 19th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
One of my favorite gym exercises of all time is the dead lift. You can work almost every muscle group and walk away feeling like a beast. However, I have always had one problem I could not overcome…my grip. My legs and body were able to handle lots of
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Incline Dumbbell Curls are Superior

by Joe Lawrence May 12th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
To start off this article…I love working arms. Specifically, biceps. By no means do I have huge arms; however, they are just fun to me for some odd reason. Mostly, I like them because you can isolate your arm muscles very easily and after a set you have a
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Strength Training Requires Calorie Discipline

by Joe Lawrence April 28th, 2014| Strength Training
Getting ready for the beach this summer or just being fitness minded in general, requires a lot of work. Those men and women who grace the covers of fitness mags usually do more than just the elliptical and a few crunches before work each morning. They alter their entire
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Three Round Summer Circuit Training

by Joe Lawrence April 21st, 2014| Strength Training
Summer is getting closer. The time for bulking up the muscle mass has come to an end for the season. It is now time to get shed some fat and show off those muscles while strolling along the beach.

This week I will give you a 30 minute workout we
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Look Great for Summer

by Joe Lawrence April 14th, 2014| Strength Training
With the summer just around the corner, this is the time to step up the pace and get your beach body. With roughly eight weeks to go, it is perfect timing to start a workout aimed at toning your machine.

Many of us are still holding onto those holiday pounds
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Can Hula-Hoops Strengthen the Core?

by Joe Lawrence March 31st, 2014| Core, Strength Training
I have heard this notion gaining some steam this year and recently my wife bought a weighted Hula-Hoop. Being the skeptic I am about faddish workouts and diets, I decided to do a little research. I mean, there are even fitness classes and workout videos centered around the Hula-Hoop.

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.