
Archives for Lower Body

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Martial Arts Leg Strength

by Joe Lawrence October 23rd, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

I have always been a fan of building useful muscle. Being in the military, I have worked with many young studs that have muscles on top of muscles. However, these guys are not always the best workers, as their strength

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Soccer Leg Strength Exercises for All

by Joe Lawrence October 16th, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

Recently, I wrote an article about how to build your leg muscles like a Parkour pro. Not only do I love to explore how to cross train other sports workouts into my own, so did a

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Practical Leg Strength

by Joe Lawrence October 9th, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

It is funny how things evolve. In my late teens and 20s, I wanted to become a beast with muscle upon muscle. I took all sorts of supplements and spent hours in the gym. However, once my 30s hit me

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Everyday Leg Exercises Using Body Weight

by Joe Lawrence October 2nd, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

Legs are an odd creature in the fitness realm. They are probably the simplest muscle to work out, but they are the most dreaded for the same reason.

We do not do anything throughout our day that


Take a Squat For a Firm Butt

by Joe Lawrence August 28th, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

Many of us have a desk job where we sit all or most of the day. Sadly, this builds up the stress in our bodies as we instinctively want to be out and about. Another problem is that while our

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Get a Mountain Climber Butt!

by Joe Lawrence August 21st, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

Working out your gluteous maximus does not have to be a chore or even a boring task. In fact, it could be as fun as climbing a mountain.

Going back to my martial arts days, it brings

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15 Minute Butt Workout

by Joe Lawrence August 14th, 2024| 15 Minutes or Less, Lower Body, Strength Training

Bellies and butts are two areas that are very easy to grow but very difficult to get back into shape. That is because they are the center of gravity for the human, body and all things seem to want to

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3 Exercises to Shape Your Butt

by Joe Lawrence August 7th, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

The top reasons people list for starting a diet or workout is to lose fat, and most of these people go on to say they want to lose the fat in their stomach and butt. I am sure this is

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Family Fitness While on Vacation

by Joe Lawrence July 24th, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

Vacations are a necessity! Without a break from the norm, we would all go crazy with the stresses we face on a daily basis. However, most of us fall out of our fitness routines while we are on vacation, and

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2 Easy Exercises for Your Lower Body

by Joe Lawrence April 3rd, 2024| Lower Body, Strength Training

I love re-discovering exercises that I used to do or have done in the past. It is like moving the couch and finding the lost remote. Recently, I had such an experience, and it led me to think of some

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52 Weeks of Leg Strengthening

by Joe Lawrence March 10th, 2014| Lower Body, Strength Training
Recently, I have been seeing a program circulating the Internet about a 52 week commitment to saving money. It gave a chart showing how much to put into your account each week. It is called the "52 Week Money Challenge" and by starting week one with $1 and increasing
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Yoga Offers Lower Body Strength

by Joe Lawrence February 10th, 2014| Lower Body, Strength Training
Last week I wrote about doing CrossFit and about how impressive their workout philosophy is. They are a true full body fitness regime that you can do in very little time. I also said CrossFit is second best only to martial arts. This got me thinking about which art

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.