
Archives for Core


Core Strength Training with the Bridge

by Kimberly Hays September 12th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
The muscles of the core stabilize the spine and hips giving better balance and strength to the rest of the body, as well as reducing the risk of injury and enhances athletic performance. Core strength training will also strengthen the back muscles to alleviate back

Essential Core Exercises: Beginner

by Kimberly Hays August 15th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
Perhaps you have been slacking on working out your core because of the busy summer, or you have decided that it is time to concentrate on strengthening your core for better balance and strength. Your core is where all of your stability comes from, and it is so important

Core Strength Martial Arts

by Mackenzie M. June 18th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
It should come with no surprise that Japanese martial arts provide an amazing core strength workout. From judo to karate to aikido, Japanese martial arts build core strength in the abdominal muscles, chest muscles, and leg muscles. However, many do not understand that there is an entire philosophy behind
lawn mower

Mow Your Way to Core Strength

by Mackenzie M. May 23rd, 2013| Core, Strength Training
In the past week, I have once again taken up my hobby of mowing lawns for family and friends. It has been nearly a year since the last time, and it was much harder to get into the habit. Mowing the lawn actually uses several important muscles groups, but

Train Like a Judo Master

by Mackenzie M. April 25th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
Judo is a modern marital art that finds its origins in late nineteenth century Japan. Judo features a competitive element where the objective is to take down the opponent to the ground or immobilize them. Judo is an incredible exercise of the mind and of the body, as it

Plant the Seeds for Strength

by Mackenzie M. March 26th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
The permafrost that has blanketed much of the United States for five months is finally beginning to thaw. This means that gardeners are gearing up for the spring planting season. While many understand that a day of gardening is hard work, few realize that gardening is actually a great

Core Strength Training on a Budget

by Mackenzie M. February 28th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
Not everyone has the time or the finances to invest in expensive weights and exercise training equipment. While the machines and accessories may be successful in building your core muscles if used regularly, frankly, they are just an unnecessary financial expense. Workout equipment that is just as effective can

Burpee: A Key to Core Strength

by Mackenzie M. January 28th, 2013| Core, Strength Training
High school gym class can seem like four years of punishment. The running drills, mediocre games of baseball, and seemingly pointless exercises often do not have a positive lifelong impact; however, one exercise used as an actual punishment in high school gym classes is actually one of the most
ice skate

Core Strength Training on Skates

by Mackenzie M. January 1st, 2013| Core, Strength Training
A few weeks ago, I discussed some of the positive effects that ice skating can have on a cardio workout. The same can be said for ice skating and working on core strength. After ice skating recently, I was astounded at the work out that my core

Core Strength Training on Skis

by Mackenzie M. December 4th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Winter seems to be an off time for exercise. The dark hours and cold climate make finding motivation to exercise quite difficult for some; however, rather than let the climate pause your strength training routine, manipulate the situation to work for you. Last winter I wrote an article about

Core Strength Training with Fido

by Mackenzie M. November 6th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Last week I wrote some tips about running with the family dog to increase running habits. This week, I want to focus another way to incorporate the family dog into an exercise routine. It builds off of running into the area of core strength training. Believe it

Kendo: Strength Training with the Sword

by Mackenzie M. October 12th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Literally translating from Japanese as “way of the sword,” kendo is a martial art that dates back to the time of the samurai. Kendo sword fighting is very popular among Japanese middle and high school students today, and continues the legacy of the samurai class of feudal Japan.

These days,

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.