If you have a negative outlook on your body image, you may spend a lot of time mentally picking apart your form. Instead of focusing on the way your body looks, it might be time to reflect on the way

Improving Physical Fitness to Celebrate Your Body
by Marnie Bii May 11th, 2022| Body & Image, Mind & BodyHelp Reduce Varicose Veins With Exercise
by Editorial Team October 9th, 2019| Body & ImageWhen it comes to varicose veins, regular exercise is key. Not only can it prevent some vein issues in the first place, but it also can alleviate the pain associated with the condition if it does occur. The important tip to keep in mind, however, is that not all exercise is equally effective. If you have varicose

Drop the Comparisons, Everyone is Different
by Marnie Bii February 13th, 2015| Body & Image, Mind & Body