New Year's resolutions are typically broken within six months of signing onto one. If you are like me, you vow to lose weight and get healthy for the new year, each and every year. To no one's surprise we usually
Aesop knew what he was writing about when he penned the story “The Tortoise and the Hareâ€. We all are aware of the ending as it was a basic children's tale with a winning moral ending that we recited and learned many years ago. My interpretation of this fable
There was an article that was featured on a popular health website regarding the Blue Zones in the world, where many of the population live to one hundred years old and beyond. A supplemental article written by Dan Buettner the original author, as he went on to give information
When we read about the Golden Rule it is basically an ethical or morality code, you all remember this: One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. The Golden Rule has been around for thousands of years and has been implemented into the society of
When did you start wearing eye glasses, as a school child to see the blackboard better or did you find you needed them for reading, computer work or operating a vehicle in your later years? I started requiring eyewear when I turned forty-five, I was actually happy to utilize
When you think about weight training, does using dumbbells and bench pressing heavy weights come into your mind? Images of large men whose waists are smaller than their bulging thighs and biceps wearing a one piece unitard clenching their teeth and enduring all aspects of sweat and pain? That
February is American Heart Month and did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men in the US each year? Nearly half of all Americans have at least 1 of 3 key risk factors for heart disease; high blood pressure, high
There are many people who often disregard their feet when thinking about their health. Twenty five percent of diabetics will develop foot problems because of poor circulation and improper foot care. Plain and simple whether we have diabetes or not we all should be ardent when it comes to
When I reverted to my fit and healthy lifestyle a few months ago I had noticed that it seemed to be more difficult this time around to get rid of those unwanted pounds that crept up after many months of being lax. I wasn't sure if I was doomed
Can you imagine training and running every day with picture perfect views around you? Do you think that the landscape has an impact on your willingness to go outdoors and move? I was once in Savannah for a short visit and I was able to run a few mornings
Yogurt is a big part of my eating healthy regime and since Greek yogurt became all the rage in the past few years I have jumped on the bandwagon and have tried to incorporate it into my daily menu planning.
Sometimes I will simply eat a container, and at other
Who would have thought that exercising could actually strengthen our bones? You would think the opposite in this case because we were taught that the bones will deteriorate the older we become. Surely as we age our bones become less dense and more fragile. This occurrence for some may