Spring is a great time for cleansing. Here are some tips to get you started:
-Cleansing doesn't have to involve the extreme measures you may have heard about, such as fasting, consuming only juices or others you may have been told about.
-Often times, just cleaning up your diet can be
by Jenn McD. May 18th, 2010| Yoga
I have decided to try a new form of exercise this summer. One of my really good friends is a dancer and loves Pilates. I’m more of a running on the treadmill kind of girl, but I have recently found that it is getting kind of repetitive and I need

Knowing Namaste
by TJ Davis May 13th, 2010| Yoga
Often heard in yoga classrooms throughout the country, the greeting "Namaste" is sometimes performed without more than a cursory understanding of its meaning and significance. One common, and very literal, translation from Sanskrit is "I bow to you", which may be more aptly described as "my soul bows to
Different Styles of Yoga
by Bea September 17th, 2009| Yoga
Most of us could tell you how Yoga can do wonders for your body. Whether it be a way to increase your flexibility, a method of relaxation, a meditation, a strength builder, or something else, there is something for everyone. Many of us know that there are different

by B Kenney July 1st, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Yoga
Yoga does the body good. More specifically, yoga helps exercise certain aspects that normal aerobic and intense workout routine don't.
A weight lifting, or even running, routine will not address balance, relaxation, and flexibility like yoga does; all of which are very important aspects of a healthy body. Yoga also will
A weight lifting, or even running, routine will not address balance, relaxation, and flexibility like yoga does; all of which are very important aspects of a healthy body. Yoga also will
Push Yourself for Just One More…
by Joe Lawrence November 25th, 2008| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Family Fitness, Running, Sports, Strength Training, Yoga
Have you ever noticed that you gain faster results when you workout with another person? Why is it that the same exact workout plan when done in a group is much more effective than on your own? The answer is truly mind over matter.
When we workout with another that person
When we workout with another that person
Group Fitness Classes
by Bea September 23rd, 2008| Cardio, Exercises, Sports, Yoga
On my first day at college, I walked out of my Calculus Two class with my mouth gaping wide open. The teacher literally had just started. He walked into the room exactly at 4:35 and said, "My name is Professor Lupi. Everyone remember Integration by Substitution? Good." He then proceeded
My First Yoga
by Erin Steiner May 17th, 2008| YogaToday I attempted yoga for the first time.
I've been flirting with the idea of doing yoga for a while. The only reason I haven't tried it sooner is, well, my mom does yoga. And the classes are usually expensive. And I'm really self conscious. And I'm about as
Wii Fit
by LJ Dovichi May 8th, 2008| Cardio, Strength Training, Yoga
With obesity on the rise in children and adults, promoting fitness and healthy eating is more important than ever. In today's electronic age of dvd's, computers, and video games it's really hard to get off the couch and get some exercise. However, I think it just got a little easier,