7 Most Common Reasons for Needing a Medical Certificate Signed by a GP
by Editorial Team June 12th, 2015| Fitness Expert, Medical
Family Workout Tips for Spring
by Tom Seman MD FAAP April 15th, 2015| Fitness Expert, Medical
We are several months into the New Year and hopefully have developed some good healthy habits that includes healthy nutrition, exercise and sleep. Time, determination and dedication are required to make a habit. In general, it takes 3-4 weeks of repetitive actions to create a habit. Feelings of accomplishment

VideoMD Transitional Care Competition
by Dean Heller MD April 1st, 2015| Fitness Expert, Medical
This month we present a special article to focus on healthcare innovation, and introduce you to a new product that helps save lives. VideoMD transitional care helps educate patients after they are discharged from the hospital. It educates patients, and helps doctors and hospitals collaborate to improve patient care.Â