2008 Olympics
by Louise August 19th, 2008| Running, Sports
I've decided to take a break from talking about what we can do about our own fitness, in order to talk about the people who are considered to have the best fitness in our country (and sometimes the world): the U.S. Olympic athletes. Most of these athletes have been training

by Louise July 22nd, 2008| Biking, Cardio, Running, Walking
I remember at the start of my summer vacation I woke up at 8 a.m. determined to go for a run. Sure enough, I took a three mile route, and 27 minutes later I was back home. I decided that I would make it a goal to do the same
New Balance Running Contest
by Editorial Team April 16th, 2008| Running
WBZ-TV in Boston has a contest that they are running in conjunction with New Balance. They want to know what your "relationship with running" is? Tell them why you love it and what makes you addicted to it.
This contest is tied in with the Boston Marathon, which
This contest is tied in with the Boston Marathon, which
Apartment Workout — Stairs
by LJ Dovichi April 12th, 2008| Running
My family and I moved into an apartment on the top floor of a three-story-complex. Out of respect to my neighbors downstairs, I was no longer able to do a cardio home workout because of the noise carrying through the floor. I was able to do the stretching, sit-ups, push-ups,
Couch to 5K
by Erin Steiner March 26th, 2008| Running
As a self-professed sloth, I recently made the mistake of looking at my own backside in a mirror. If you ever want to find a way to give your exercise routine a jump start, just do what I did.
Of course, because of my previously mentioned slothness, I was unsure
Of course, because of my previously mentioned slothness, I was unsure
Shuffle for Running
by Louise January 28th, 2008| Running
Are you looking for a music player to use while running? There are so many different types of players, you can't really know what to get. Many of the devices can't handle the movement your workouts require. Another amount of players are simply too bulky to train with. What's the
Music Controls Your Pace
by Bea January 27th, 2008| Running
Although you may not realize it, music does have a tendency to control your running pace.
Sometimes when I run without music, the passing of cars doesn't seem to give me too much motivation. However, I usually have my headphones in, and I'll listen to my Ipod. I like most of
Sometimes when I run without music, the passing of cars doesn't seem to give me too much motivation. However, I usually have my headphones in, and I'll listen to my Ipod. I like most of