My New Running Buddy
by Louise May 25th, 2010| Running
Just under a year ago, I wrote an article about mixing fitness with our four-legged friends. Our pets, specifically dogs, when in healthy condition, can often be great running companions. They add extra motivation to a run, because you make two lives healthier when you take your

The Importance of Cross Training
by Bea May 20th, 2010| Exercises, Running, Strength Training, Walking
Q&A: The Boston Marathon
by Louise April 20th, 2010| Running
Each year, tens of thousands of runners begin a 26-mile journey from Hopkinton, Massachusetts, to their final destination, Boston, Massachusetts. This is the Boston Marathon.
When exactly is it? The Boston Marathon is held every year on the third Monday of the month of April. This year, April 19 was that
When exactly is it? The Boston Marathon is held every year on the third Monday of the month of April. This year, April 19 was that
Exercise For Teens
by Jacob Parzych March 23rd, 2010| Running, Sports, Strength Training, Walking
These days, teens are in worse shape than ever. Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese. Obese teens are considerably more likely to die before the age of sixty than teens who are in shape.
Obesity is a very dangerous disease, so I am adding my thoughts
Obesity is a very dangerous disease, so I am adding my thoughts

Barefeet May Spare Feet
by Bea February 2nd, 2010| Running
A recent article in the Boston Globe re-sparked my interest in the benefits of running barefoot.
On January 28th, 2010, Â new research was published about the study of running barefoot that is being led by Harvard scientists. This research showed that people who run with minimal shoes or barefoot usually land
On January 28th, 2010, Â new research was published about the study of running barefoot that is being led by Harvard scientists. This research showed that people who run with minimal shoes or barefoot usually land

Save Money on Supplements
by Joe Lawrence November 18th, 2009| Cardio, Eating Tips, Exercises, Family Fitness, Running, Sports, Strength Training
When it comes to fitness, there is no secret that you put your body through the wringer. Afterward your body requires the replacement of essential nutrients. There are many companies and a trillion dollar fitness industry willing to sell you the secret potions to replenish you after a workout and

Choosing Running Shoes
by Bea November 3rd, 2009| Running
When I was little my mom would lead me to the clearance section or to wherever the markdown shoes were, and I would pick out the best looking shoes that were my size. What brand they were did not matter to me, how the support was incorporated did not even

Running on Pavement
by Bea October 1st, 2009| Running
Some people thing that running on pavement or concrete is the worst thing in the world for you because it is harder and less shock absorbing. These people are right, but what is even worse for you than the pavement is the continuity of the surface--or running on the same terrain on

by Louise September 22nd, 2009| Biking, Running, Walking
Sitting in volleyball or track practice, I cringe when I hear the word being spoken, "Hills." A dreaded word. On a run, on a bike ride, hills are menacing; they are threatening. They loom in front of me, and only seem to grow as I get closer. Yet, as inherently