
Archives for Cardio

Exercising at home: Top 7 Exercises You Can Do at Home

by Editorial Team December 2nd, 2018| Cardio
We don’t have to tell you that regular physical exercise is mandatory, for anyone who values their physical and mental well-being. What we do want to put across today is how you can effectively stay in shape by adopting a good workout routine; and if you

How to Stay Fit by Practicing Taekwondo

by Editorial Team October 17th, 2017| Cardio
Getting and staying healthy with the help of taekwondo is easy as long as you stick to a simple set of ground rules. On the one hand, you have to make sure that you get enough training so as to avoid losing muscle and your skills. On the other, you

Best Dental Equipment for Working Out

by Editorial Team November 23rd, 2016| Cardio
For someone who loves to work out, it is a pretty good idea to consider what you are going to be working out in. From shoes to shorts to top, you want to make sure your get up assists your work out, not holds you back. But when you are
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6 Ways to Lose Weight Permanently and Keep It Off

by Editorial Team November 15th, 2016| Cardio
Weight loss is not a destination, but a journey. Losing weight is easier than maintaining a particular weight, mostly because the initial tenacity dissipates. Here are a few steps that will make sure your digital scales don't ever disappoint your weight loss goals.

  1. There is no alternative to exercise


Bemer Light Therapy

by Editorial Team October 31st, 2016| Cardio
Bemer devices are the result of countless hours of research and testing, in the field of physical vascular therapy. Bemer devices work with the help of electromagnetically transferred stimulation signals that facilitate the movement of blood through blood vessels. This movement is critical for life and for health.

One such
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4 Cardio Exercises That Build Up Your Arm Strength

by Marnie Bii May 11th, 2015| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
If you struggle with the appearance of your arms, you may try to cover them up with long sleeved shirts and sweaters. Building strength in your arms, however, is a better strategy, as the developing muscles will make you want to show off your guns. Coupling exercises targeting your
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3 Awesome Cardio Exercises That Target Your Abs

by Marnie Bii March 2nd, 2015| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
The midsection, or abdominal area, is a frequent trouble spot for many people trying to get into shape. Although you cannot lose weight in specific spots, like the belly, you can build muscle in those areas to create a better-looking structure. As you lose weight, the curvature of your muscles
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How Fitness Can Help Improve Health and Combat Depression

by Editorial Team March 2nd, 2015| Cardio
Depression is not an easy subject about which to talk. Despite our inward nature regarding the subject, tens of millions of Americans suffer from depression at any given time. Most people report dealing with depression at least once at some point in their lives, and many deal with it
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3 Cardio Holiday Prep Ideas

by Jessica B. November 20th, 2014| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
The holidays are fast approaching, and that means holiday weight gain is also on the horizon. The average American gains between 5 and 10 pounds during the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas. With parties, family events, cookies, leftover Halloween candy, pumpkin spice lattes, eggnog lattes, and anything else that
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4 Easy Exercises for Weight Loss

by Marnie Bii November 13th, 2014| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
The holidays bring excess amounts of good food to the table. You might feel encouraged or required to have a taste of everyone's appetizers, main dishes and after-dinner treats. As a result, your waistline may begin begging for mercy as the pounds pile on. Thankfully, you can mitigate those
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Max Your Heart Rate and Burn Calories all Day

by Joe Lawrence November 6th, 2014| Cardio, Running
There are many workouts out there today to help increase the metabolism burning abilities of your body. Some are looking at the Tabata research and high intensity interval training (HIIT) programs to burn fat. These are excellent concepts and they are so successful because they push your body to

November’s Fitness Focus- Holiday Prep

by Editorial Team November 1st, 2014| Cardio
November has begun, and it's time to delve into a new area of fitness. Throughout the month, we will review different ways to keep in shape during the holiday season. With numerous gatherings and events that are sure to have lots to eat and drink, it is a difficult

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.