
Archives for Cardio

Q&A: The Boston Marathon

by Louise April 20th, 2010| Running
Each year, tens of thousands of runners begin a 26-mile journey from Hopkinton, Massachusetts, to their final destination, Boston, Massachusetts. This is the Boston Marathon.

When exactly is it? The Boston Marathon is held every year on the third Monday of the month of April. This year, April 19 was that

Exercise Can Be Addictive?

by MPK April 8th, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
When you think of the term addict, what do you picture?  Perhaps it is someone who is addicted to drugs, or maybe it is someone who is a chain smoker.  Regardless, you probably think of someone with an unhealthy habit, not something good for you, such as exercise.  However, some

Spartacus: Blood and Sand –Gladiator Camp

by Jenn McD. March 30th, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
Ever since January 22, 2010, my guilty pleasure and obsession has been with the new Starz original series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand. The show talks about a man who was betrayed by the Romans, forced into slavery, and reborn as a gladiator.

In order to play these beasts of

Exercise For Teens

by Jacob Parzych March 23rd, 2010| Running, Sports, Strength Training, Walking
These days, teens are in worse shape than ever.  Between 16 and 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese.  Obese teens are considerably more likely to die before the age of sixty than teens who are in shape.

Obesity is a very dangerous disease, so I am adding my thoughts

GRRR-Rizzly Bear

by Joe Lawrence March 18th, 2010| Cardio, Exercises
Imagine coming across a grizzly bear in the wild.  How would that make you feel?  Scared?  Recently, I encountered a grizzly bear but not the actual animal.  I have encountered a fitness routine nicknamed the grizzly bear, and it, too, is scary.

This is a workout consisting of numerous calisthenic

Proud Influence

by Louise March 16th, 2010| Running
There are many people like you and me, interested in fitness and willing to make the commitment to exercise, but then there is the other side of the spectrum, where people don't mind sitting all day long. We all have friends just like that. What if you could be


by Bea March 9th, 2010| Biking
If running seems to be too tiring for you, start out with biking! By biking first, you will be able to build up some of your muscles and stamina, and maybe you will be able to run what you bike in some time.

Today I had the opportunity to bike

Variation Is a Killer…

by Joe Lawrence March 2nd, 2010| Cardio, Strength Training
I just arrived at a professional development school yesterday in the mountains of Tennessee and was rudely reminded about the importance of variation.  The quarter mile hike up a very steep hill to the check-in office was a killer after eight hours on the road.  It was even more fun

Cardio FIDM

by Joe Lawrence February 23rd, 2010| Cardio
Great cardio programs have four components.  They are: frequency, intensity, duration and mode.  When you put them to work for you, you will have a ticker that keeps on ticking.

First, you need to decide how often you want to work out.  We all have different schedules, and what works

It’s Time to Get Started

by MPK February 18th, 2010| Walking
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should exercise for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  It sounds simple, doesn't it?  However, there are many excuses:

  • I don't have time.

  • I'm too tired.

  • My life is too stressful already.

  • I don't have the correct equipment.

  • I don't have time to

Barefeet May Spare Feet

by Bea February 2nd, 2010| Running
A recent article in the Boston Globe re-sparked my interest in the benefits of running barefoot.

On January 28th, 2010,  new research was published about the study of running barefoot that is being led by Harvard scientists. This research showed that people who run with minimal shoes or barefoot usually land

Shape Up

by Bea December 28th, 2009| Exercise Equipment, Walking
You probably have seen the commercials or the newspaper advertisements for those funny looking Sketchers. With their clumsy and clunky appearance I could have guessed that the shoe I saw in the ad belonged to Sketchers, but what they have done now is even funkier than any shoe they have

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.