
Archives for Cardio

Top Yoga Poses for Cardio Fitness

by Heather Duchan July 7th, 2011| Cardio, Yoga
Yoga is often stereotyped as a relaxed workout tailored to increasing flexibility and reducing stress. Recent studies are showing that yoga is much more than that, demonstrating that individuals who practice yoga consistently have as good or better heart health than those who do only cardio exercises like running

Groningen Study on the 10% Rule

by Bea June 30th, 2011| Running
I just read an article in New York Times the other day that mentioned a study in Groningen and the 10% rule. The word Groningen attracted me purely because I currently live in Holland; however the challenge to the 10% rule was also something I was happy to see.

So Much Walking Left to Do…

by Bea June 24th, 2011| Walking
Perhaps one of the most annoying things about beach vacations is getting a sunburn on the first day and walking around like a penguin saying “Ow. Ow. Ow.” the whole time.  However, I think that sore feet can be an even bigger vacation bummer. There are many causes behind

Getting Over a Plateau

by Angela Yorke June 23rd, 2011| Cardio
The first few months of a cardio regime are always the best, despite what your aching lungs might tell you in the beginning. Unfortunately, the body has a way of upsetting the best fitness goals by plateauing after a certain period.

There are a few signs that signal that your

Mountain Bike Must Haves

by Bea June 16th, 2011| Biking
So, you are going mountain biking, huh?

Though the summer months can be a little too hot to mountain bike in comfortably, it still remains a great time to hop on a bike and embark on an adventure. You'll probably be in the woods anyhow, so at least you will

When Is The Best Time For Strength Training?

by Angela Yorke June 15th, 2011| Cardio, Strength Training
Dedicated strength training, often used interchangeably with weight training, is necessary to your goal of becoming fit(ter): greater strength allows enables sustained aerobic activity, which improves aerobic fitness, which in turn makes a person stronger. There are many forms of strength training, and there is no rule stipulating that

Runners: Coming Back from Time Off

by Louise June 13th, 2011| Running
Returning from time off takes a bit of finesse and a lot of patience for runners. Of course, we want to get back to our former shape as soon as possible. Yet, if we come back too strong, we risk paying for it later, physically and literally. It's all

Getting into the Cycle of Things

by Chang Song June 9th, 2011| Biking, Exercises
In almost all sports, the participants are sure to get plenty of healthy benefits from participation; however, cycling is one of the more beneficial sports out there. In fact, cycling is one of the best forms of exercise according to many fitness experts.

Although cycling is a sport of vast

Maximizing Your Workout

by Chang Song June 6th, 2011| Cardio
For many people, cardio workouts do not excite them like a juicy steak at Ruth Chris. Many of us only exercise to lose some weight and to get into shape. It is kind of like eating vegetables; we many times only eat them because they are healthy for us.


by Bea June 2nd, 2011| Cardio, Exercises, Sports
SH'BAM! Ever heard of it?

While Zumba is still the rage in many places, SH'BAM is starting to make its moves in fitness as well. SH'BAM is a lot like Zumba in the sense that you dance as exercise. It keeps you moving and sweating, but it also gives you

My Feet Are Numb

by Bea May 26th, 2011| Walking
When it comes to exploring new cities, I would be someone you may not want to travel with. I want to see everything, so stopping to sit makes me antsy. Though I don't mind sitting down after a hike or to take in the scenery, stopping every hour and

Run Yourself Fit – Not Ragged

by Angela Yorke May 19th, 2011| Cardio, Running
Many people don’t run the way they should; they neglect proper form for distance and/or speed. Over time, this results in painful knees, screaming bunions, persistent backache, and loss of interest. Running should be easy and enjoyable, and I have found the following approaches worth adopting.

Everyone has heard of

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.