
Archives for Cardio

Stairs Tiring You Out?

by Bea November 10th, 2011| Walking
Have you ever noticed that you can walk and walk and walk without losing your breath, but that walking up four flights of stairs can tire you out so easily? I know that is the case for me. All of my classes are on the fourth floor, and in

Eating and Cardio

by Angela Yorke November 7th, 2011| Cardio
There was an interesting article about diets in the paper today. The Paleo diet was mentioned, as was the raw food movement. The reporter interviewed a school friend named Linda,* a personal trainer who follows the Paleo diet and whom was described as a fitness enthusiast (a bit like

Bike Maintenance

by Bea November 1st, 2011| Biking
Bike maintenance is extremely important. As with many other things, once one thing is going wrong, it is typically an invitation for more things to start to fail. If you ignore one small problem, the chance that the problem will grow is pretty large.

For example, if you notice that

Best Running Shoes

by Mackenzie M. October 31st, 2011| Running
Each runner prefers a different type of running shoe. Whether it be a shoe that makes for great stability, cushioning, motion control, or for specified terrain, the running shoe is perhaps the tool that will either help or hinder your running experience. I have compiled a brief list of

Meeting Cardio Exercise Guidelines

by Heather Duchan October 27th, 2011| Cardio
A number of institutions, including the American Heart Association, provide guidelines for healthy living. They advise that adults should get regular cariovasular exercise. Most of these guidelines recommend that adults participate in moderately intense cardio exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, for five days a week. Moderately

Staving Off Monotony

by Angela Yorke October 13th, 2011| Cardio
Cardio is essential if you intend to lose weight and gain stamina. In addition to running, swimming, aerobics, and cycling, other forms of cardiovascular activity include dancing, rowing, and boxing. I’m certain I’ve left out others; just know that if your exercise activity increases your heart rate and ensures

Safe Walking

by Bea October 11th, 2011| Walking
I have been recently reading our school's crime log. Most of the crimes are silly ones, like people leaving their bike outside of the library for 45 minutes, and then coming back to find it gone; however, a lot of the recent crimes have involved people getting things stolen

Getting into Biking

by Bea October 4th, 2011| Biking
My goal is to try to convince you to get into biking. If you are already biking to work or using biking as a source of exercise, feel free to read along. You will probably find yourselves nodding in agreement, and perhaps you may want to leave some tips
running shoes sneaker

Why Run?

by Mackenzie M. October 3rd, 2011| Running
As both a college student, and a relatively normal human being, I often find myself desperately searching for the motivation to go for a run.

Although this sounds like a silly problem, it is an issue that frequently faces the recreational runner. Only yesterday I found myself asking the question,

Tips for New Runners

by Heather Duchan September 29th, 2011| Running
Running is a great cardio workout, requiring little to get started other than quality running shoes and a road or track to train on. Before embarking on running as a cardio exercise though, heed some tips to get the best and safest results.

Talk to your doctor. Running is usually

Walking with Weights

by Bea September 15th, 2011| Walking
Many of you may be walking with weights. You do this in order to kill two birds with one stone, so that you do not have to take more time out of your busy life to lift weights. You probably feel a "burn," and you feel like you are

Cardio Alternatives to Running

by Angela Yorke September 12th, 2011| Cardio
Running is one of the easiest cardio exercises to do. So are hiking and speed walking. The downside is the impact that these activities have on the joints, which tends to become more obvious as a person ages - especially where running is concerned. I wouldn’t give up running

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.