
Archives for Exercise Wear


What to Consider: Buying Exercise Wear

by Kimberly Hays August 19th, 2013| Exercise Wear
Exercise has become an essential part of our lives today. This doesn't mean that exercise hasn’t always been a big part of many people’s lives, we just seem to live in a more health conscious society overall than ever before. With that, the old sweat pants and t-shirts that

Hair Accessories for Working Out

by Kimberly Hays July 25th, 2013| Exercise Wear
You have finally figured out the best hairstyle for when you are working out, be it a braid, headband, high ponytail, or just really short with the sides pinned back. Nothing is more irritating than to be in the middle of a set and have to stop to get
workout clothes

Updated Workout Wear

by Kimberly Hays June 24th, 2013| Exercise Wear
Workout wear trends seem to be changing as quickly as high fashion trends. No longer are the old tee shirts and baggy shorts the uniform in the gym. With sports apparel having become a $30 billion dollar a year industry, you can count on the fact that there will
shoe-string sands

Blunders with Workout Shoes

by Kimberly Hays May 27th, 2013| Exercise Wear
When you ask what workout gear that is an absolute necessity, you will get many answers. You will hear an iPod, moisture absorbing clothing, or a reusable water bottle. The truth is, the most important workout gear is a proper pair of shoes for the type of workout you

Warm Weather Workout Fashion

by Kimberly Hays April 29th, 2013| Exercise Wear
When the weather gets really hot, we come up with reasons not to exercise, including lack of both time and energy. Sometimes all it takes to get us motivated again is new workout wear. Adding a few easy pieces to your wardrobe can make it feel new again. Here
hot pants

Advantages of Compression Shorts

by Kimberly Hays April 1st, 2013| Exercise Wear
Compression shorts are snug fitting shorts that are used mainly by athletes, but they are becoming popular with those who work out regularly, and even with mothers who have recently given birth to help get their abdominal muscles. Usually made of spandex, they are not worn to be fashionable,
run with dogs

Exercise Wear: Are These Trends For You?

by Kimberly Hays March 4th, 2013| Exercise Wear
Exercise trends come and go, and like most fashion trends, old trends become new again. Many of us tend to wear what is comfortable when we go to the gym with little emphasis on fashion. There are some new trends that are geared toward those who would like to

Best Headphones for Workouts

by James Maynard February 22nd, 2013| Exercise Wear
Listening to music or talking on the phone are great ways to pass time while working out at the gym. Whether you use an iPod, tablet, phone, or other personal device while working out, part of integrating these devices into your workout regimen is choosing the right set of
hot pants

Workout Wear That Helps You Lose Weight?

by Kimberly Hays February 4th, 2013| Exercise Wear
It may sound like science fiction, but a company called Zaggora released their ‘hot pants’ in 2011. They sold close to 300,00 pairs in less than five months. They claim that these pants hold in heat; this causes the wearer to lose weight as well as cellulite. They increase

Exercise Wear Trends for 2013

by Kimberly Hays January 7th, 2013| Exercise Wear
With the new year comes new trends in exercise wear. The yearly trends in fitness wear also take a tip from fashion trends as far as what colors are “in." In addition, there are new styles that are available that are functional as well as fashionable. When

Moisture Wicking Fabrics for Workouts

by Kimberly Hays December 10th, 2012| Exercise Wear
Moisture wicking is gaining popularity. It was first used for exercise wear to pull the perspiration away from athletes to keep them more comfortable during strenuous workouts and in competitions. It is now available for everyone, and it is used in bras and other underwear which has proven to

Winter Workout Wear

by Kimberly Hays November 12th, 2012| Exercise Wear
With the weather turning cold for most of us and winter right around the corner, it is time to change what you wear when you work out. What you wore in the warmer months is not going to work for the colder months. You need to be sure that

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.