A New Life Resolution

by Denise Druce | January 8th, 2014 | Fitness Expert

yoga poseYour purpose in life is to find your purpose

and give your whole heart and soul to it.

~ Gautama Buddha

 The average person’s New Years Resolutions fizzle by the first week of February.  All over social media today, people are saying they gave their New Years Resolutions their best shot.  ‘I tried for a week and it’s just too hard with work, family, (fill in the blank). There’s always next year’.

But what if that’s not true?

It’s cliche, but what if you found out today that you only had one year left to live?  One year…12 months…52 weeks…365 days…525,600 minutes of precious time.

Brian Tracy, motivational speaker and author believes that this is one of the single most important questions we can ask ourselves.  Because the answer to this question can help us get very clear about the way we are choosing to spend our time **today**.

If you only had one year to live…would you be doing exactly what you are doing today?  Would any of your relationships change, would you ask someone to forgive you?  Would you forgive?  Would you quit your job, travel, get married, volunteer?  Would your priorities change?

Looking deeply inside ourselves, giving ourselves permission to dream is doing the hard work. But as you know, doing the hard thing, staying with the discomfort a little longer, is where we get all the gains.  Whether it’s pushing the last rep, holding the yoga pose another breath, or staying in a difficult conversation, that’s where we grow.  It’s the edge, and the edge is where all the cool stuff happens.

You have the power to rise above what is holding you back.  You have the power to choose the things that will move you forward, get you closer to being the person you really want to be.  Be honest in your self-searching.  You might find the one little thing that has been stopping you all along.

I have invited my clients and students to take the entire month of January and create a New Life Resolution, and I’d like to invite you to do the same.  Create a vision statement, one that will get you out of bed every morning excited to take the next step. A vision that will become your future reality!

For more fitness and yoga tips, visit my website: www.denisedruce.com.

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All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.