
Archives for 2015

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3 Technologically Advanced Workout Apparel Items

by Marnie Bii March 19th, 2015| Accessories, Exercise Wear
Although you can complete your workouts in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, technologically advanced workout apparel can make your sessions more comfortable and enjoyable. Exercise wear designers are creating gear from high tech fabrics that reduce odor and sweat output. Furthermore, many of the garments use specially

ADHD in Children

by Tom Seman MD FAAP March 18th, 2015| Children's, Fitness Expert
ADHD is such a hot topic these days and everyone is concerned about it. Why?  What is all of the fuss about? There have been many studies looking at the risks associated with the symptoms of this disorder. First, let’s look at what all of these letters mean? The
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4 Nutrient-Rich Stomach Turning Super Foods

by Marnie Bii March 17th, 2015| Healthy Eating, Superfoods
Sometimes nutritious food does not always come in the most appetizing package. In fact, the most delicious things on the menu do not often have the nutritional value of less palatable ingredients. The following nutrient dense items definitely take that idea to the next level, however. Luckily, if you
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How Can a Rehab Center Help an Alcoholic?

by Editorial Team March 16th, 2015| Mind & Body
Alcohol addictions are like a two-faced dagger that can ruin a person financially in addition to ruining family ties. And, when left untreated, alcoholism almost always leads to death. Without help, it is almost impossible for an alcoholic to give up their drinking, and return to life before the
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5 Sites You Can Use on Your Tablet

by Jessica B. March 12th, 2015| Accessories, Technology
The best bit of modern exercise tech that I have come across in my experiments is by far the online workout video. Access to a variety of workout videos can help those who cannot afford to join a gym or do not have the time to do so. They

Carry That Weight

by Joan Jacobsen March 11th, 2015| Fitness Expert, Senior
When you think about weight training, does using dumbbells and bench pressing heavy weights come into your mind? Images of large men whose waists are smaller than their bulging thighs and biceps wearing a one piece unitard clenching their teeth and enduring all aspects of sweat and pain? That
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3 Yummy Roasted Vegetable Recipes You Need to Try

by Marnie Bii March 10th, 2015| Healthy Eating, Nutrition
While growing up, you may have developed an intense dislike for certain vegetables, like Brussels sprouts, broccoli or cauliflower. In a hurry to serve the family, many parents often steamed or boiled these vegetables until they were cooked through. Unfortunately, steaming or boiling vegetables does not develop their flavors
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3 Headphone Features You Will Love for Workouts

by Marnie Bii March 5th, 2015| Accessories, Technology
While moving through each phase of your workout, you might find your motivation levels slowly flagging. Eventually, your pace may not even drive your heart rate up into the target range, which nets you the desired benefits of weight loss or stamina gains. Thankfully, you can push your body
medical exercise expert

Pre-Wedding Exercises

by Dean Heller MD March 4th, 2015| Fitness Expert, Medical
Q:  My wedding is coming up in 3 months, and I used to be in pretty good shape, but it has been difficult to work out as I have been busier at work.

What can I do to keep off any extra weight, and to try and look really good
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Exploring the Hacker’s Diet in Detail

by Marnie Bii March 3rd, 2015| Diet Plans, Healthy Eating
The Hacker's Diet breaks down the weight loss and maintenance process in formulaic steps that are easy for anyone to understand. Technologically minded individuals enjoy the ability to use spreadsheets and graphs to create a plan and track progress. Everyone else appreciates the way this diet plan breaks down
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3 Awesome Cardio Exercises That Target Your Abs

by Marnie Bii March 2nd, 2015| Assorted Workouts, Cardio
The midsection, or abdominal area, is a frequent trouble spot for many people trying to get into shape. Although you cannot lose weight in specific spots, like the belly, you can build muscle in those areas to create a better-looking structure. As you lose weight, the curvature of your muscles
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Is It Possible That Hypnosis Could Benefit Health?

by Editorial Team March 2nd, 2015| Mind & Body
Hypnosis is viewed by a lot of people with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, despite a growing body of evidence to suggest that there are many ways in which it can be used. Hypnosis is not known to benefit health in any direct way. You cannot, for example,

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.