It would be great if we could work out on the job. To be able to combine fitness with our daily duties would be a great way to multi-task. Well, we can.
Honestly, exercise is the last thing I want to think about today. I just finished shoveling and spreading

Work Your Back while Breaking on Your Job
by Joe Lawrence June 30th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
Children and Sports Injuries
by Tom Seman MD FAAP June 25th, 2014| Children's, Fitness Expert
Last month we left off with your child getting through the early years of sports and activities. Growing older, the child has been working hard at developing skills and understanding the game, not just the rules of the game. Last month's child was a boy between the ages

Great Tops for Summer Workouts by Fitness Etc.
by Kimberly Hays June 24th, 2014| Accessories, Exercise Wear