
Archives for 2014

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What are the Best Exercises for Losing Weight?

by Jason Brennan January 15th, 2014| Fitness Expert
Any exercise can help you lose weight.  However, there are some things to consider when designing your weight loss program.

Every weight loss plan should include cardio and resistance training.  Most people emphasize  cardio but resistance training is just as important. Cardiovascular training can keep your metabolism elevated for hours
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Superfoods: Crazy About Cabbage

by Kimberly Hays January 14th, 2014| Diet Strategy, Superfoods
Cabbage is really inexpensive vegetable, and it can be prepared many ways including boiled, fried, in soups, casseroles and salads. It is also a superfood that is full of health benefits. Available in red or green, with all varieties having the same nutritional value, cabbage is a staple everyone

Shake Up Your Arm Routine

by Joe Lawrence January 13th, 2014| Strength Training, Upper Body
Arms are one of my favorite areas to exercise. They are so simple to isolate and seemingly little effort goes a long way. However, as with all muscle groups, it is easy to get to a plateau and lose motivation. Here is an exercise I like to shake things
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Teaching Your Child Healthy Eating

by James Maynard January 10th, 2014| Video
Helping your child avoid eating disorders when they are young can help provide them with great health throughout their life. It is important to help your child lead a healthy, long active life. But, this can be hard to do in the days of junk food and quick meals,
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Winter Running Tights and Pants

by Jessica B. January 9th, 2014| Exercise Wear
Temperatures are dropping in many areas, but if you still plan to run outside, it is important to have a good pair of running tights so that you do not get too cold. Here are a few of my favorite kinds of winter running tights for a variety of
yoga pose

A New Life Resolution

by Denise Druce January 8th, 2014| Fitness Expert

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose

and give your whole heart and soul to it.

~ Gautama Buddha

 The average person's New Years Resolutions fizzle by the first week of February.  All over social media today, people are saying they gave their New Years Resolutions their
soccer training

Shock Your Legs

by Joe Lawrence January 6th, 2014| Lower Body, Strength Training
If you are like me, you have spent countless hours in the gym doing squats, lunges, etc. trying to build sculpted pillars of steel. It gets old having the same exercises and the same routines over and over again. Then why do that to yourself?

Years ago, my friend and
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Fiber for Women

by James Maynard January 3rd, 2014| Video
Fiber is one of the most-important qualities a woman should look for in foods. A regular diet containing the correct amounts of the right types of fiber is essential to regulating digestion. In this video, we learn about some of the reasons fiber is so vital to the good
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Chi Walking

by Bea January 2nd, 2014| Cardio, Walking
While researching different types of fitness walking programs, I learned about Chi Walking. Chi Walking is a program that is designed to give you a walking program that will help you look and feel better than ever.

According to the Chi Walking website, participating in the Chi Walking

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.