
Archives for 2012

Resistance Band Workout

by Jessica B. January 19th, 2012| Strength Training
Have you once again made a ton of New Year's resolutions, but wonder if you can keep them? Does one of them include losing weight and actually keeping it off? Looking to build muscle tone at home? Resistance bands are easy to use, and you can bring them with

A Happy, Clean, and Energized 2012

by Sarah Harris January 18th, 2012| Nutrition
Have the holiday festivities left you feeling tired, sluggish, irritable, and generally flat? Not to mention, are you having a hard time fitting into your clothes? It’s that time of year again, and the good times may have left us with a toxic build up that sits like lead

Fun Running Gadgets

by Jessica B. January 17th, 2012| Running
I started running because I thought it would be cheap and easy. Cheap, because all you needed was a good pair of shoes. Easy, because all you needed to do was to open the door. And in truth this is really all you need to be an effective runner,

The Benefits of Exercising as a Family

by Angela Yorke January 16th, 2012| Family Fitness
Everyone knows that leading an active lifestyle is more than just to look good in photos. Exercising is a means of achieving better health, which is something many families have become aware of, and because of which, have started exercising together.

If you have a family fitness routine, it means

Working Out as a Couple

by Angela Yorke January 12th, 2012| Exercises
It’s always nice to belong to something, and a relationship is one such partnership in which most people are happy to be a part. Ironically, unless you’re married or living together, spending time with that special someone can be difficult. This is because, as it is for other people

New Year’s Yoga Resolution?

by Denise Druce January 11th, 2012| Fitness Expert
Here we are again, the gyms are full of folks with great intentions and new resolutions. In looking at the research, I learned that almost half of American adults make resolutions each new year. Among the top New Year's resolutions are promises to lose weight and exercise, and this year,

Vegan Bodybuilding

by Bea January 10th, 2012| Strength Training
When you think about a bodybuilder, you probably picture a bulky, vein-popping person who drinks protein shakes all day. You probably see them as meat eaters who spend more time at the gym than a person should.

It is okay to have that thought in your head; many bodybuilders are

Lower Body Workout for Lazy Days

by Jessica B. January 9th, 2012| Lower Body, Strength Training
It's that time of year where everyone makes a lot of promises to lose weight, but most do little to change their actual lifestyle. Let's be honest; it's hard to find enough hours in the day to work, to spend time with family, to take care of stuff at

Cardio for Road Warriors

by Angela Yorke January 5th, 2012| Cardio
A person who has to travel a lot in their line of work often finds it difficult to adhere to a regular cardiovascular fitness routine. Generally, a person’s aerobic capacity declines 5-10% within 3 weeks of inactivity. If physical inactivity continues for up to 2 months, the person can

Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

by Carlo Celotti January 4th, 2012| Fitness Expert
So it’s that time of year again, where it seems like everyone has decided that they will make the new year one of better health and better fitness. The gyms become jammed for about three to four weeks, then all of a sudden everything goes back to normal, and

Walking Posture

by Bea January 3rd, 2012| Walking
In order to get some quality walks in, you do need to have good posture. Walking hunched over, or putting too much pressure in the wrong places, may actually do more harm than good.

First and foremost, stand up straight. You may think that this is trivial, but that's because

Core Strength Training for Runners

by Mackenzie M. January 2nd, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Core strength training is a popular activity for many fitness enthusiasts. Did you know that there are certain types of strength training for your core that can actually improve your running form and abilities? In fact, there are several types of core training exercises that use an exercise ball

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.