
Archives for November 2012

Get Slim Without the Gym

by Melissa Koerner November 7th, 2012| Fitness Expert
No need to get a membership at the gym to fulfill your goal to get fit!  With this workout all you need is a BOSU ball and some dumbbells.  And if you don’t have a BOSU, don’t worry about it—you can do all of these exercises with out one—but

Core Strength Training with Fido

by Mackenzie M. November 6th, 2012| Core, Strength Training
Last week I wrote some tips about running with the family dog to increase running habits. This week, I want to focus another way to incorporate the family dog into an exercise routine. It builds off of running into the area of core strength training. Believe it

The Dukan Diet: The Pros and Cons

by Kimberly Hays November 5th, 2012| Diet Plans, Diet Strategy
Before Kate Middleton married Prince William, it was rumored that she, along with her mother, were both on the Dukan Diet. Photos showed that they both lost a lot of weight using this program. The Dukan Diet has been all the rage in France for years, but did not

Running with Rufus

by Mackenzie M. November 2nd, 2012| Cardio, Running
Earlier this month I decided to start my running habit once more given the colder weather and renewed inspiration. For a little added pull and motivation, I decided to take my dog, Rosie, jogging with me. This turned out to be one of the most strenuous jogs of my

All health and fitness information is provided for educational purposes. Please consult with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.