So the running world is in the middle of a debate on whether running in your bare feet (or shoes with very minimal support, if any) is a good idea or not. Here are important points to consider.
-Being in your bare feet does strengthen your feet, and being in

Weight Loss Tips
by Natalie Weiss July 20th, 2011| Nutrition
This month's weight loss tips help to reduce excess calories in your diet. Excess calories are sometimes hidden, and they can really hinder any weight loss program. Reducing these calories will make a big difference in your health.
1) Avoid sugary beverages, such as soda and fruit flavored drinks. Fruit
1) Avoid sugary beverages, such as soda and fruit flavored drinks. Fruit

Exercising After Angioplasty: Why It Matters
by Angela Yorke July 19th, 2011| Cardio
The funny thing about aging is that exercise becomes more important than ever, but you also have more body parts telling you to stop the madness right this instant. Unfortunately, it’s entirely possible that you might actually exacerbate the risk of developing serious illness by giving up cardio exercise

Strength Training: Doing It Right
by Angela Yorke July 15th, 2011| Strength Training
Modern man is constantly prodded to do more, and do it better than everyone else. As such, it’s no surprise that most people throw themselves into a strength-training regimen, only to have to stop soon after to recuperate from injury.
Images of relaxed-looking athletes bench-pressing 150 lbs are nothing new, and
Images of relaxed-looking athletes bench-pressing 150 lbs are nothing new, and

Tour de France 2011
by Bea July 14th, 2011| BikingThis is the first year in many that the Dutch stand a chance in the Tour de France. You would think that a land where there are more bikes than people, there would be an abundance of riders in the Tour de France, but this isn’t so.  No one really